Cheers to 15 Years!

Through the last 15 years, on more than one occasion, I have been introduced as “Bosslady.” A title I proudly accept. It is true. Kauai Family Magazine was my idea. An idea that came from the mind of a mom who knew nothing about publishing, or photo shoots. I was just a mom who had this crazy idea of starting a business and my goal was to make it to print with both eyes open!

And today, I am still Mom, first and foremost. But, I am also Bosslady, Editor-in Chief, Publisher and Momprenuer. All roles that help me be the best mom I can be. Owning my own business, has taught me so much about my family, my strengths, weaknesses and this amazing community. The pages of Kauai Family Magazine have been my parenting manual, where I have learned more about parenting than I ever thought was out there from our amazing writers and contributors in hopes of inspiring others. And while my goal is to get to print with both eyes open, it is also to continue to inspire, grow and learn each day as the Bosslady of Kauai Family Magazine.


Some have asked me how do I do it. How do I run a business, as a single parent with my eleven-year old and keep up with all the other things on my schedule and still maintain to stand up and not fall asleep while eating lunch? No, I am not Wonder Woman. Yes, I have bad days just like everyone and no, I don’t do it all right or perfect all the time. But, I do have support of my amazing team, my network of girlfriends and loved ones who support me for what I do and who I am. These my friends, are they key to any successful business and life journey. And I have my son, “Noah Boy”. I want him to be proud of me and know that each day I go to work, I do so because I truly love it and because I am trying to make a difference, no matter how small, and my hope is that I will inspire him to do the same in whatever he will want to do or be.

So, as I look back on the most rewarding 15 years of my life, I am humbled by the amount of love and support that we have received from our amazing Kaua’i community of ‘ohana and businesses, because without your support, we wouldn’t be here. You have driven us to be the best we can be and grow and flourish everyday. It has been an honor being a part of your ohana and we cannot wait for all the amazing adventures that lie ahead!

Be safe and stay well.

Much Aloha,
Chrissy Schechter, Publisher