Special Tribute to Valerie Taguma Kaneshiro

A unique, ‘one of a kind’ treasure.1957-2020 Whether you knew Valerie personally, are reading about this unique, ‘one of a kind’ beautiful soul for the first time, or were lucky to have been a part…

Be Pono

5 Hawaiian Words To Redefine Health, Happiness And Power In Your Life. Apply these concepts to your own life and your children’s.  Pono translates to righteousness.  Living Pono means living “with a conscious decision to do…

Reading Success Begins at Home

Effective readers are grown, not born. All parents hope their child develops into an enthusiastic reader with a love of literature. Studies show that from our earliest days, children are acquiring language skills and learning…

Raising an Active Child

Lack of physical activity is a problem throughout the country, leading to obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. Even we on Kauai are not immune, despite our island being rich with outdoor activities and opportunities. Our goal…